Excel sheet permission issue

I have made one excel sheet with few column. Now, how do I give permission to one of my team member to edit only one column. Also, can i create form with fields or sheet with fields ? are they both same…i am bit confused…

You can look at permission in your worksheet.

Then under permission check for fields permission where you can disable/enable fields for your users to use… while giving permission, you can just enter the email id of the user you want to invite (check red arrow), then click on fields and add as many column/fields you want to enable the user for editing, i have disabled all delete in this permission figure as you can see in below picture…hope this helps…

Ah Ok…I also missed your last query…yes you can add fields using form builder or using plus icon of sheet, both means the same…
I am adding screenshot to add fields in two ways for your reference…

first way- just below export button as shown in picture below

second way - using a form builder, check the green arrow…